About Us

we are actionable

Actionable Research team

Actionable Research is a marketing research consultancy that delivers both qualitative and quantitative primary marketing research on a global basis. While we have been a full service firm since 2002, Actionable Research is primarily specialized in the following vertical markets:

  • Medical and Dental
  • Digital Technology
  • Consumer Products and Services

We take great pride in our ability to apply our real world experience to solving our clients’ most difficult research problems. At Actionable Research, we test new concepts, perform price elasticity and product/service adoption studies, measure brands and their value and potential, forecast future demand and revenues, and listen to the voice of the customer for some of the world’s largest companies in our vertical markets. The sun never truly sets on Actionable Research and the work we perform for our clients.

Please allow us to show you more regarding how we think and solve research problems, and allow us the opportunity to add additional insight and perspective to your product development and marketing efforts.

key team members

Music Performance
Digital Technology
Hot Yoga

American History
Baking – mmmm, sugar!
Teaching Advanced Math

About Actionable Research

what our customers think