Brand Measurement

What Loyalty Tracking Does For Our Clients

What Brand Measurement Does For Our Clients

Brand Measurement is a service which seeks to provide insights to the following:

  • Impact of company’s brand
  • Impact of company’s product name
  • Brand Recognition on product choice
  • Brand Recognition on customer loyalty
  • Brand Recognition on business development activities
  • Brand Recognition on line extensions
  • Where opportunities lie to leverage reputations
  • Space for perception improvements
  • Position new products consistent with recognized value
How Loyalty Tracking Works

How Brand Measurement Works

Actionable Research conducts exploratory interviews with both internal stakeholders and research targets as applicable to determine the key questions which will further articulate the dimensions above for our clients’ specific markets. These considerations are combined with other metrics Actionable Research integrates into its brand measurement methodology to offer true insight into the following questions:

  • Brand identity
  • Importance of brand or name in the category
  • Brand performance by high level dimension
  • Switching likelihood
  • More as required
Our Loyalty Tracking Experience

Our Brand Measurement Experience

Our Brand Measurement methodology has been used in the following types of projects:

  • Brand Perception and Equity – Media Creation and Management Applications and Platforms
  • Brand Perception and Equity – Life Sciences and Biotechnology Company and Products
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery Product Name Value Measurement
  • Orthodontic Appliance Brand Perception and Value
  • Low Temperature Sterilization Brand Perception and Value
  • Dermal Filler Brand Perception and Value Determination
  • Vitamin Product Brand Perception and Value
Contact-Actionable Research

Contact Us

Projects of this nature are highly customizable and approaches are more industry specific than most; contact us for a brief discussion to learn more about how this methodology can be applied to your unique research project.

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