Accelerated Insight. Affordable Price.

what is insight streamer

Insight Streamer is a new multi-function, research service from Actionable Research, created in response to client feedback from nearly two decades of primary market research experience, and designed to gather quicker insights for both ongoing and one-off projects.

insight streamer lifecycle

A customizable, cradle-to-grave product research project that offers

true flexibility and affordability.

Pre-Launch Quantification: Prior to product launch, a series of questions are developed to quantify the product’s value proposition and opportunities for success.

Launch Success Tracking: Immediately at launch, a survey modification is made that allows new product users to offer feedback on their experience with the product.

Post-Marketing SurveillanceOnce steady-state is reached, questions can be turned on which allow for the gathering of insights into areas for next generation improvements.

Open Ended Feedback: At any time during Insight Streamer LifeCycle’s tenure, open ended questions can be added to gather customer feedback in their own words.

insight streamer adhoc

Easy to initiate, yet still fully customizable, micro survey research

for single-objective projects.

Short, Targeted Surveys: Designed for targeted inquiries into a single line of questioning. Up to 12 questions, plus screener.

Tested Methodologies: Many different methodologies are available to handle everything from basic exploratory to pricing or satisfaction. Experienced researchers assist you in choosing the right way to get the answers you need.

Affordable Price TagPriced to make quick-hit research affordable for one-time inquiries or regular interval tracking.

Delivered Quickly: Depending on target sample, an infographic-style summary data report can be ready within 10-14 days.

what is insight streamer

Full profile, custom primary research is still efficient for some projects. It requires the least effort on the research client’s behalf, but comes at a higher overall project cost than Insight Streamer’s fast turnaround, lower cost profile.

Insight Streamer is designed for the new normal of marketing research; more frequent insight gathering coupled with researcher guidance on methodology and execution.

Self-service online tools for surveys offer little guidance in the way of best practices, and require significant effort to properly conduct primary research.


EverStream Reporter

All Insight Streamer Project deliverables are reported through EverStream, our online reporting tool for narrative reporting in a live, interactive format.


Dashboard reporting provides you with researcher analyzed data, with commentary. It gives your internal team the ability to filter and compare segments on the fly, as well as a chance to dive deeper into the data with a simple-to-use Cross Table tool.

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talking actionable: fresh from the blog

Our team produces new content weekly to help our readers understand why marketing research is important and how it can help their company. Find something interesting? Countinue the conversation by reaching out to us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter!

Seizing the Moment

In the ever-evolving terrain of medical device development, timing your market research is not just a procedural step, it’s a strategic imperative. 2023 was a year of transitions and adjustments.

Strategic Timing

As businesses navigate the ever-evolving market landscape, knowing when to invest in market research is crucial, especially when it comes to new product development. While 2023 was a year of

Navigating Opportunities

In an ever-changing economic landscape, determining the optimal moment to invest in market research is just as essential as the research itself, especially within industries as fast-paced as medical devices.

Brand Tracking - Indispensable to the Product and Marketing Manager

Why Brand Tracking Research is Indispensable to the Healthcare Product Manager and Marketing Manager Brand tracking research can be incredibly valuable for healthcare product managers and marketing managers. It allows

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120 Vantis, Suite 300
 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656