Product Developer/Engineer

Your Role

Marketers have the great responsibility of taking the complex research and development processes and simplifying them into an accessible and appealing message to your audience. You ensure whether it’s a social media post, or a sample – the design and messaging is unified and adheres to your brand’s standards. Your job is to create campaigns that reach out to existing audience members, draw in potential audience members and spread the overall message of your product or service.

Your biggest challenges are learning about or keeping up with your audience(s) and your company’s role in their life or business. Your product or service provides a solution to a problem; your ultimate goal is to be able to clearly explain the value of your solution. To do that you have to know what success looks like for all your potential customers. You need to know as much about the spectrum of your audience as you do about the various benefits your product provides.

How We Add Value

For you, research provides a connection to your audience. It allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your product or service as a solution to a problem and understand the role it plays and even the meaning it has in the lives of your audience.

Research results can show you more information about who your audience is, what their lives look like, how they interact with your product or service, why they choose to interact with your brand, how they feel about those interactions, and where your company can improve. 

Our team at Actionable Research can help you reach your audience and gather the vital insights you need into their roles, helping you understand exactly how and why your audience interacts with your product – knowledge you need to make the best marketing decisions possible.

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