Happy Halloween: Fast, Fun and Factual Stats

In celebration of Halloween, we take a break from our regularly scheduled marketing research content to offer you some fun stats.

On this All Hallows’ Eve, we take a break from our Concept Testing blog series to give you some quick, fun facts about this night of great celebration.



Halloween is thought to have originated with the Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of harvest season and the beginning of winter. During the festival, people lit bonfires and wore costumes to scare away ghosts.


Halloween Spending

The total Halloween spending in the United Stated this year is estimated at $8.4 billion dollars. This figure includes candy, costumes, decorations, and greeting cards.



69% of Americans plan to celebrate Halloween

71% plan to pass out candy

26% plan to carve pumpkins

34% plan to throw a party

20% plan to visit a haunted house


Popular Costumes

Top three children’s costumes are: action/superheroes, princesses and animals

Top three costumes for Americans 18-34 years old are: Batman, witches and animals

Top three costumes for Americans 35+ years old are: witches, pirates and politicians


Furry Family Members

16% of Americans plan to dress their pet in costume

Top three costumes for American pets are: pumpkins, hotdogs and bumble bees

While women are more likely than men to dress their pet in a costume (19.2% compared to 13.1%), men are likely to spend more money overall on pet costumes ($88.05 compared to $78.07)


Favorite Halloween Movies at Actionable

If you’re looking to stay in tonight and still partake in the holiday frights, check out some of our favorite Halloween movies:

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Hocus Pocus

Young Frankenstein

Nightmare Before Christmas

A Nightmare on Elm Street



Donnie Darko


Have a Spooky Halloween!

The Actionable Research team wishes you a safe and happy Halloween!


More Fast Facts

If you’re interested in any of the stats listed above, or you just want to find more, check out the following sources:



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